
MATHEU: Identification, Motivation and Support of Mathematical Talents

Gregory MakridesPartners



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In many European schools the mathematics curriculum is designed to serve the average and special needs students without identifying and supporting potentially talented/competent students in mathematics. The aim of this project is to develop methods and educational tools, which will help the educators to identify and motivate talented students in mathematics as well as to support their development within the European Community without any discrimination. The project intends to merge forces and establish a network through the Mathematical Societies and universities in the European area to support the aims of the project as well as to use new technologies in the support, dissemination and sustainability of the developed structure of cooperation. MATHEU is a new approved project under Socrates-Comenius 2.1 action with characteristic activities that are expected to enhance the learning of mathematics in the European region as described above. The presentation will discuss the philosophy, aims and objectives and the work plan of the project and will invite interested individuals and organizations to support the aims of the project.