
On the boundary of algebraic radicals in topological (n,m)(n,m)-semirings

Adina Pop



The aim of this paper is to investigate some properties for an ideal radical and an ideal radical boundary in a commutative Hausdorff topological (n,m)(n,m)-semiring. We are going to give some generalizations of results due to Shum [Shum, K. P, On the boundary of algebraic radicals in topological semigroups, Acta Mathematica Acad. Scient. Hung., 25(1974), No. (1-2), 15–19], Chow [Chow, H. L., Remarks on boundaries in semigroups, Period. Math. Hungar., 7 (1976), No. 2, 137–139] relative to semigroups and due Maria S. Pop [Pop, M. S., On boundary in topological nn-semigroups, Mathematica, 22 (45) (1980), No. 1, 127–130] relative to nn-semigroups.

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Pop, Adina